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Bus Clowns

Hey guys!!

This week was super cool. Today I complete 8 months in the mission. Time is flying by. We were able to continue to teach Maria and her family, and we met the father yesterday too. He works all week except for Sunday, and he is a super cool guy. He works as a bodyguard. Kind of an interesting job choice, living in San Pedro Sula and everything but, he is awesome. Yesterday, we were able to talk to the whole family, and they are excited to be able to learn more from us. We are also still teaching Jackelin, and she still has a lot of desire to learn about the Savior. We are trying to teach them as much as possible because this is the last week of the transfer, and we are pretty sure that I will be leaving. 
This is my 3rd transfer in the area, and my 5th transfer in the zone. If I leave, I will be kinda sad to go. The area kind of grew on me. At first I didn't really like it very much, because it is hard to find people to be able to teach here. But, the people we have found are amazing.
 I kind of think it is a little bit like our lives. Sometimes if something is hard at the beginning, we kind of shy away from it. But, if we stick to it, it starts to be one of the best things we have ever done. Following the Savior is something that isn't easy, but following His example in everything in our lives is one of things that is truly worth doing. I know He lives and that He know each and every one of us. He will always help us with our lives, all we have to do is ask Him.

Bus Clowns
The normal sized buses here sometimes stop and pick up people who are dressed up as clowns. They get on the bus, and try to get other people to get on the bus too. But, once the bus starts moving they bust out a soda can filled with beans that they use as a maraca and start to tell jokes. I can only understand about half of the jokes, because most of them are wordplays in Spanish, and I don't understand enough to get the jokes they make.


  1. clowns... no bueno in any country. I love when Sam has something not fun but then he looks and finds something good amongst it.


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